In Indore, an extraordinary incident has come to light involving a goat that has given birth to two offspring. One is a male goat, while the other is a female goat. The female goat, however, has a distinctive appearance with both eyes joined together, resembling that of an alien. This unusual-looking goat has become a center of attraction, drawing crowds eager to witness the unique sight. Despite its peculiar appearance, the goat is reported to be in perfect health.
Anwar Khan, a resident of Chandan Nagar in Indore, is engaged in goat farming and also works as a laborer. At 6:00 AM, his goat delivered two kids, one male and one female. While the female goat exhibits an appearance reminiscent of an alien, it is confirmed to be in good health.
The family has given the name “Rani” to this goat, which belongs to the Malvi breed. This goat, with its distinctive features, is possibly the first of its kind to be witnessed in Madhya Pradesh. Similar instances of goats giving birth to offspring with alien-like appearances have been reported in other states, and the offspring have been confirmed to be healthy. The extraordinary sight of the peculiar-looking goat has attracted a significant number of people to Anwar Khan’s residence.