Comedians Sugandha Mishra and Sanket Bhosale joyfully welcomed their first child, a baby girl, on December 15. Sharing the exciting news through a video on social media, the couple revealed the first glimpse of their daughter. In the heartwarming clip, Sanket, wearing a stethoscope, joyfully announces, ‘Aur aaj ki taaza khabar ye hai ki main baap bann gaya hoon’ (And today’s fresh news is that I have become a father), before turning the camera towards Sugandha, saying, ‘Aur ye maa bann gayi hai’ (And she has become a mother).
Captioning their Instagram post, they expressed gratitude for the blessing, saying, ‘The Universe has Blessed us with the Most Beautiful Miracle, Epitome of our Love… we are blessed with a Cute lil BABY GIRL Please keep showering your Love and Blessings.’
The couple received an outpouring of congratulations from celebrities like Bharti Singh, Sunil Grover, Hiten Tejwani, Rohit Bose Roy, Harshdeep Kaur, Tabu, and others.
Sanket and Sugandha had announced the pregnancy on October 15 with a series of adorable photos from her maternity photoshoot on the beach. The singer-comedian, donning a maroon gown with a thigh-high slit, showcased her baby bump, captioning the post, ‘The Best Is Yet To Come… Can’t Wait To Meet Our New Addition kindly keep ur Love & Blessings on.’
Sugandha and Sanket, known for their stint on The Kapil Sharma Show, exchanged vows in an intimate ceremony in Jalandhar on April 26, 2021, amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The couple, who had been dating for several years, also shared the screen in Zee TV’s Summer Express 2017.
Sanket, recognized for his impersonations of Sanjay Dutt and Sunil Shetty, is a qualified doctor and made his small screen debut with ‘Laugh India Laugh.’ Both Sugandha and Sanket maintain an active presence on social media, often sharing humorous videos to entertain their fans and followers.”