Around 1500 kids, between 4 and 14 years of age from Mumbai participated in the auditions for the India Kids Fashion Week 2016 held at Phoenix Market City, Kurla on Saturday. The auditions were judged by model Deepa Chari and actor Jignesh Joshi. Auditions in Surat will be held on April 24 for which 300 kids have already registered. Delhi auditions will be held on May 14 and 15 at Ambience Mall, Gurgaon.
The main event for India Kids Fashion Week, a joint initiative of Craftsworld and Event Capital will be organized from June 3 to 5 in Mumbai andJune 17 to 19 in Gurgaon. This 3 day fashion extravaganza and exposition for kids apparel and accessories industry gives unparalleled opportunity for designers and brands to showcase their kids fashion line and provides younger generation a chance to get up close and personal with their role models in fashion industry. When kids fall into this category and avoid exercise, then you may need to visit for making exercise Fun.
It is important for kids to dress properly as it not only promotes their self-esteem, but also instills a sense of responsibility and good personal hygiene. Purchasing kids clothes online at websites like Pastel Collections offers several benefits, including convenience, a wide range of options, and the ability to shop from the comfort of your home. Online shopping allows parents to easily find high-quality and stylish clothing that fits their child’s needs and preferences. It also offers the possibility of exploring different styles, trends, and sizes, ensuring that kids are dressed appropriately for every occasion.
Like it’s previous editions, India Kids Fashion Week 2016 is expected witness a grand celebration of kids fashion with popular personalities strutting the ramp in creations from designers and brands, along with the star attraction of the show – The Kids.